Linear Interpolation with Microsoft SQL Server 2022

Microsoft SQL Server 2022 comes with new features to work with Timeseries data, such as GENERATE_SERIES, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE or DATE_BUCKET. So I thought I am giving it a try and see how to perform a Linear Interpolation of Time series data.

You can find everything about Microsoft SQL Server 2022 time series features here:

Table of contents

What we are going to build

Imagine we are responsible for a Warehouse and need to continuously monitor its temperatures, so our precious food isn't spoiled. Sometimes the measurements are missing, and we need to interpolate it, so our consumers doesn't have gaps in their data.

Linear Interpoation with T-SQL

We start by creating the Warehouse schema:


And then we are going to create a table, that's going to hold the measurements:

CREATE TABLE [Warehouse].[ColdRoomTemperatures] (
    [ColdRoomTemperatureID] BIGINT                                      IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [ColdRoomSensorNumber]  INT                                         NOT NULL,
    [RecordedWhen]          DATETIME2 (7)                               NOT NULL,
    [Temperature]           DECIMAL (10, 2)                             NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT [PK_Warehouse_ColdRoomTemperatures] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([ColdRoomTemperatureID] ASC),
    INDEX [IX_Warehouse_ColdRoomTemperatures_ColdRoomSensorNumber] NONCLUSTERED ([ColdRoomSensorNumber]),

We then insert some temperatures for a sensor 1 and 2, with gaps in the data:

DELETE FROM [Warehouse].[ColdRoomTemperatures];

INSERT INTO [Warehouse].[ColdRoomTemperatures]([ColdRoomSensorNumber], [RecordedWhen], [Temperature])
      (1, '2023-04-14 19:00', 3)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:01', 2)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:02', 1)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:04', 4)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:05', 5)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:06', 9)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:07', 8)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:09', 1)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:10', 3)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:12', 5)
    , (1, '2023-04-14 19:13', 1)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:00', 10)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:01', -3)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:02', -4)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:04', -5)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:05', 1)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:06', 2)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:07', 3)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:09', 4)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:10', 5)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:12', 6)
    , (2, '2023-04-14 19:13', 7);

And then we can use GENERATE_SERIES to create the expected timestamps ([Time]) and by using the DATE_BUCKET function, we can assign each measurement into a time bucket ([BoundedSeries]). By using the FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE functions, we can find the Previous and Next Timestamps and temperatures ([InterpolationTable]).

In the final SELECT we apply a Linear Interpolation for timestamps without a Temperature.

WITH [Time] AS (
        DATEADD(minute, [s].value, '2023-04-14 19:00') AS [RecordedWhen]
        GENERATE_SERIES(0, DATEDIFF(minute, '2023-04-14 19:00', '2023-04-14 19:15')) AS [s]
[ColdRoomSensorNumbers] AS (
[DenseSeries] AS (
        , [Time].[RecordedWhen]
    FROM [ColdRoomSensorNumbers]
        CROSS JOIN [Time]
[BoundedSeries] AS (
        , DATE_BUCKET(MINUTE, 1, [RecordedWhen]) AS [RecordedWhen]
        , AVG([Temperature]) AS [Temperature]
        [ColdRoomSensorNumber], DATE_BUCKET(MINUTE, 1, [RecordedWhen])
[FilledSeries] AS (
        , [DenseSeries].[RecordedWhen] AS [ExpectedRecordedWhen]
        , [BoundedSeries].[RecordedWhen] AS [ActualRecordedWhen]
        , [BoundedSeries].[Temperature]
        , CASE WHEN [BoundedSeries].[Temperature] IS NOT NULL THEN N'Measured' ELSE N'Interpolated' END AS [Type]
    FROM [DenseSeries]
        LEFT JOIN [BoundedSeries] ON ([DenseSeries].[ColdRoomSensorNumber] = [BoundedSeries].[ColdRoomSensorNumber] AND [DenseSeries].[RecordedWhen] = [BoundedSeries].[RecordedWhen])
[InterpolationTable] AS (
        , [ExpectedRecordedWhen]
        , [ActualRecordedWhen]
        , [Temperature] 
        , LAST_VALUE([ActualRecordedWhen]) IGNORE NULLS OVER (PARTITION BY [ColdRoomSensorNumber] ORDER BY [ExpectedRecordedWhen]) AS [PreviousRecordedWhen]
        , LAST_VALUE([Temperature]) IGNORE NULLS OVER (PARTITION BY [ColdRoomSensorNumber] ORDER BY [ExpectedRecordedWhen]) AS [PreviousTemperature]
        , FIRST_VALUE([ActualRecordedWhen]) IGNORE NULLS OVER (PARTITION BY [ColdRoomSensorNumber] ORDER BY [ExpectedRecordedWhen] ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS [NextRecordedWhen]
        , FIRST_VALUE([Temperature]) IGNORE NULLS OVER (PARTITION BY [ColdRoomSensorNumber] ORDER BY [ExpectedRecordedWhen] ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS [NextTemperature]
        , [Type]
    FROM [FilledSeries]
    , [ExpectedRecordedWhen]
    , COALESCE([Temperature],
            WHEN [PreviousTemperature] IS NULL THEN [NextTemperature]
            WHEN [NextTemperature] IS NULL THEN [PreviousTemperature]
            ([PreviousTemperature] + 
                ([NextTemperature] - [PreviousTemperature]) / DATEDIFF(second, [PreviousRecordedWhen], [NextRecordedWhen]) * DATEDIFF(second, [PreviousRecordedWhen], [ExpectedRecordedWhen]))
    , [Type]
FROM [InterpolationTable]
order by [ColdRoomSensorNumber], [ExpectedRecordedWhen]

We can see, that it interpolates the values just fine:

1 2023-04-14 19:00 3.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:01 2.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:02 1.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:03 2.500000 Interpolated
1 2023-04-14 19:04 4.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:05 5.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:06 9.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:07 8.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:08 4.500020 Interpolated
1 2023-04-14 19:09 1.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:10 3.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:11 3.999960 Interpolated
1 2023-04-14 19:12 5.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:13 1.000000 Measured
1 2023-04-14 19:14 1.000000 Interpolated
1 2023-04-14 19:15 1.000000 Interpolated
2 2023-04-14 19:00 10.00000 Measured
2 ... ... ...


And that's it!

I think GENERATE_SERIES, DATE_BUCKET, FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE are a great addition to Microsoft SQL Server, and it makes it much easier (and probably more efficient) to work with timeseries data.

This article didn't take a look at the Query Plans, and I am pretty sure there are much more concise ways for a Linear Interpolation in T-SQL. Feel free to comment and make a Pull Request to this article, so it can be improved!