Custom Form Validation with ASP.NET Core Blazor

I am working myself into ASP.NET Core Blazor to better understand how its working and how I could use it to quickly build applications. One thing I need is a flexible approach to Form Validation, that doesn't lock me in on DataAnnotations and is somewhat more flexible.

The code has been taken from the Git Repository at:

Table of contents

The Problem

The canonical example for Form Validation in Blazor uses the DataAnnotationsValidator component to reuse Data Annotations defined for a models properties. In the FluentUI Blazor demo, it looks like this.

page "/basicform-blazor-components"

<! -- ... -->

<EditForm Model="@starship" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
    <DataAnnotationsValidator />
    <FluentValidationSummary />
    <!-- ... -->

But I am using Kiota to generate an Api SDK from a given OData service. It works great, but the generated model doesn't come with DataAnnotations, such as [Required]. And while I am confident, you could "weave" them in using a partial class... there are many open questions, such as Localization from a Resource.

I want to start with a simpler approach to Form Validation and my initial idea is to provide a Validation function in the Code-Behind to Validate the Model of the EditForm. This should be a simple, yet flexible approach to validation.

Simple Form Validation

While we could reuse the existing .NET Validation infrastructure, such as a ValidationContext or a ValidationResult, these classes come with a lot of adjacent code we don't require. So a validation error in our application simply goes into a ValidationError record.

/// <summary>
/// Validation Error for a Property
/// </summary>
public record ValidationError
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the PropertyName.
    /// </summary>
    public required string PropertyName { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the ErrorMessage.
    /// </summary>
    public required string ErrorMessage { get; set; }

We then provide our SimpleValidator<TModel> component, which takes two dependencies: The EditContext of the parent form, which is a CascadingParameter and our Validation function, which takes a TModel and returns an IEnumerable<ValidationError> after validation.

/// <summary>
/// Provides a SimpleValidator, which takes a Validation function for the model to be validated.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TModel">Type of the Model in the <see cref="EditContext"/></typeparam>
public class SimpleValidator<TModel> : ComponentBase, IDisposable
    private IDisposable? _subscriptions;
    private EditContext? _originalEditContext;

    [CascadingParameter] EditContext? CurrentEditContext { get; set; }

    public Func<TModel?, IEnumerable<ValidationError>> ValidationFunc { get; set; } = null!;

    /// <inheritdoc />
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        if (CurrentEditContext == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(SimpleValidator<TModel>)} requires a cascading " +
                $"parameter of type {nameof(EditContext)}. For example, you can use {nameof(DataAnnotationsValidator)} " +
                $"inside an EditForm.");

        _subscriptions = CurrentEditContext.EnableSimpleValidation(ValidationFunc);
        _originalEditContext = CurrentEditContext;

    /// <inheritdoc />
    protected override void OnParametersSet()
        if (CurrentEditContext != _originalEditContext)
            // While we could support this, there's no known use case presently. Since InputBase doesn't support it,
            // it's more understandable to have the same restriction.
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{GetType()} does not support changing the {nameof(EditContext)} dynamically.");

    /// <inheritdoc/>
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)

    void IDisposable.Dispose()
        _subscriptions = null;

        Dispose(disposing: true);

You need to subscribe to the EditContext#OnFieldChanged and EditContext#OnValidationRequested event. We can then simply apply the Validation function and add the list of ValidationError to the ValidationMessageStore associated with the EditContext.

public static class EditContextSimpleValidationExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Enables validation support for the <see cref="EditContext"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="editContext">The <see cref="EditContext"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="validationFunc">Validation function to apply</param>
    /// <returns>A disposable object whose disposal will remove DataAnnotations validation support from the <see cref="EditContext"/>.</returns>
    public static IDisposable EnableSimpleValidation<TModel>(this EditContext editContext, Func<TModel?, IEnumerable<ValidationError>> validationFunc)
        return new SimpleValidationEventSubscriptions<TModel>(editContext, validationFunc);

    private sealed class SimpleValidationEventSubscriptions<TModel> : IDisposable
        private readonly EditContext _editContext;
        private readonly Func<TModel?, IEnumerable<ValidationError>> _validationFunc;
        private readonly ValidationMessageStore _messages;

        public SimpleValidationEventSubscriptions(EditContext editContext, Func<TModel?, IEnumerable<ValidationError>> validationFunc)
            _editContext = editContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(editContext));
            _validationFunc = validationFunc;
            _messages = new ValidationMessageStore(_editContext);

            _editContext.OnFieldChanged += OnFieldChanged;
            _editContext.OnValidationRequested += OnValidationRequested;

        private void OnFieldChanged(object? sender, FieldChangedEventArgs eventArgs)

            var validationErrors = _validationFunc((TModel) _editContext.Model);

            foreach (var validationError in validationErrors)
                _messages.Add(_editContext.Field(validationError.PropertyName), validationError.ErrorMessage);


        private void OnValidationRequested(object? sender, ValidationRequestedEventArgs eventArgs)

            var validationErrors = _validationFunc((TModel) _editContext.Model);

            foreach (var validationError in validationErrors)
                _messages.Add(_editContext.Field(validationError.PropertyName), validationError.ErrorMessage);


        public void Dispose()
            _editContext.OnFieldChanged -= OnFieldChanged;
            _editContext.OnValidationRequested -= OnValidationRequested;

And that's it!

Using it

Inside an EditForm we can now simply use the SimpleValidator component and all that's required is passing the model type parameter (could probably be inferred) and the Validation function, like this:

<EditForm Model="@CurrentTaskItem" OnValidSubmit="@(async () => await HandleValidSubmitAsync())" FormName="task_item_edit" novalidate>
    <SimpleValidator TModel=TaskItem ValidationFunc="ValidateTaskItem" />
    <!-- ... -->

Inside a more complicated form it might look like this:

@page "/TaskItem/Edit/{Id:int}"

@namespace RebacExperiments.Blazor.Pages

@using RebacExperiments.Blazor.Components
@using RebacExperiments.Blazor.Infrastructure
@using RebacExperiments.Blazor.Shared.Models;
@using RebacExperiments.Shared.ApiSdk;
@using RebacExperiments.Shared.ApiSdk.Models;

@inject ApiClient ApiClient

<EditForm Model="@CurrentTaskItem" OnValidSubmit="@(async () => await HandleValidSubmitAsync())" FormName="task_item_edit" novalidate>
    <SimpleValidator TModel=TaskItem ValidationFunc="ValidateTaskItem" />
    <FluentValidationSummary />

    <FluentStack Orientation="Orientation.Vertical">
        <! -- Fields... -->

    <FluentStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal">
         <FluentButton Type="ButtonType.Submit" Appearance="Appearance.Accent">Save Changes</FluentButton>
         <FluentButton Appearance="Appearance.Accent">Discard Changes</FluentButton>


In the Code Behind we have to implement the Validation function (ValidateTaskItem for the example). We also want to translate Error Messages, so we also inject an IStringLocalizer<TResource> into the class.

// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using RebacExperiments.Blazor.Infrastructure;
using RebacExperiments.Blazor.Localization;
using RebacExperiments.Shared.ApiSdk.Models;

namespace RebacExperiments.Blazor.Pages
    public partial class TaskItemEdit
        /// <summary>
        /// The ID of the TaskItem to display.
        /// </summary>
        public int Id { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Localizer to use for translating messages.
        /// </summary>
        public IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> Loc { get; set; } = null!;

        // ...

        /// <summary>
        /// Validates a <see cref="TaskItem"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskItem">TaskItem to validate</param>
        /// <returns>The list of validation errors for the EditContext model fields</returns>
        private IEnumerable<ValidationError> ValidateTaskItem(TaskItem taskItem)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(taskItem.Title))
                yield return new ValidationError 
                    PropertyName = nameof(taskItem.Title), 
                    ErrorMessage = Loc.GetString("Validation_IsRequired", nameof(taskItem.Title)) 

                yield return new ValidationError
                    PropertyName = nameof(taskItem.Description),
                    ErrorMessage = Loc.GetString("Validation_IsRequired", nameof(taskItem.Description))

            if (taskItem.TaskItemPriority == null)
                yield return new ValidationError
                    PropertyName = nameof(taskItem.TaskItemPriority),
                    ErrorMessage = Loc.GetString("Validation_IsRequired", nameof(taskItem.TaskItemPriority))


And that's it!

I think this is very simple, yet flexible way to provide Form Validation in Blazor. You could easily extract common validations and build your own abstractions on top, such as using DataAnnotations-based validation in the method or calling into a FluentValidation validator.

There is room for improvements, and I'd be happy to hear about your approach to validation.