Creating OAuth 2.0 Tokens for Firebase Services

I have recently updated FcmSharp to use the Firebase HTTP v1 API. The Firebase APIs require you to authorize requests using short-lived OAuth 2.0 tokens. The official documents have examples for JavaScript, Python and Java, but there was no simple .NET example. So I am going to share how I did it.

The Google documentation writes in Authorize Send Requests:

Every Firebase project has a default service account. You can use this account to call Firebase server APIs from your app server or trusted environment. If you use a different service account, make sure it has Editor or Owner permissions.

To authenticate the service account and authorize it to access Firebase services, you must generate a private key file in JSON format and use this key to retrieve a short-lived OAuth 2.0 token. Once you have a valid token, you can add it in your server requests as required by the various Firebase services such as Remote Config or FCM.

To generate a private key file for your service account:

  1. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.
  2. Click Generate New Private Key, and confirm by clicking Generate Key.
  3. Securely store the JSON file containing the key. You'll need it to complete the next step.

Reading the Credentials

private static string ReadCredentialsFromFile(string fileName)
    if (fileName == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");

    if (!File.Exists(fileName))
        throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not Read Credentials. (Reason = File Does Not Exist, FileName = '{0}')", fileName));

    string credentials = File.ReadAllText(fileName);

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials))
        throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not Read Credentials. (Reason = File Is Empty, FileName = '{0}')", fileName));

    return credentials;

Creating the OAuth 2.0 Access Token

public class FcmHttpClient : IFcmHttpClient
    public FcmHttpClient()
        : this(new ConfigurableHttpClient(new ConfigurableMessageHandler(new HttpClientHandler())))

    public FcmHttpClient(ConfigurableHttpClient client) 
        if (client == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("client");

        this.client = client;

    public async Task<string> CreateAccessTokenAsync(string credentials, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

        var credential = GoogleCredential.FromJson(credentials)    
            // We need the Messaging Scope:
            // Cast to the ServiceAccountCredential:
            .UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;

        if (credential == null)
            throw new Exception("Error creating Access Token for Authorizing Request");

        // Initialize with the Configurable Client:

        // Execute the Request:
        var accessToken = await credential.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

        if (accessToken == null)
            throw new Exception("Empty Access Token for Authorizing Request");

        return accessToken;

    // ...