PostgreSQL and TinyCsvParser

In my last post you have seen how to use TinyCsvParser for reading a large dataset into memory, but actually there are only few use cases where reading an entire dataset into memory is really neccessary.

In reality you often have to import the data into a database, so efficient queries can be made on the data. This post shows how to efficiently insert data into a PostgreSQL database with TinyCsvParser and Npgsql.


In this post we are parsing a real life dataset. It's the local weather data in March 2015 gathered by all weather stations in the USA. You can obtain the data from:

The File size is 557 MB and it has 4,496,262 lines.

Preparing the Database

The data file has something around 40 columns. We only want to use three columns of the file (WBAN, Sky Condition and Date).

Here is the SQL Script to create the table, where the data will be stored.

CREATE TABLE sample.local_weather
  local_weather_id serial NOT NULL,
  wban text,
  sky_condition text,
  date date  

Domain Model

The domain model in this example simply holds the columns we are interested in.

public class LocalWeatherData
    public string WBAN { get; set; }

    public DateTime Date { get; set; }

    public string SkyCondition { get; set; }

Bulk Write with Npgsql

You can imagine, that inserting millions of lines one by one isn't really efficient. The application will wait for the synchronous database calls to finish and going asynchronous doesn't help either. The most efficient way to insert data into a PostgreSQL database is to use its COPY command, which can be used with Npgsql for a .NET application.

You can read everything about the COPY command in the PostgreSQL Manual.

I am a huge fan of useful APIs, so I have written a small wrapper called PostgreSQLCopyHelper, that wraps the Npgsql implementation behind a nice Fluent API. It doesn't implement every data type at the moment. It would be great if extensions are streamed back into the repository, which can be found at:

The mapping between the domain model and database table can now be defined with the PostgreSQLCopyHelper.

private PostgeSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData> CreateCopyHelper() {

    return new PostgeSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData>()
        .WithTableName("sample", "local_weather")
        .AddColumn("wban", x => x.WBAN)
        .AddColumn("sky_condition", x => x.SkyCondition)
        .AddColumn("date", x => x.Date);


See how a Fluent API makes writing these mappings easy?

That's it for the bulk writing part already!


These benchmarks are carried out on a 7200 RPM hard drive and an Intel Core i5-3450 CPU. I am sure you'll see an even greater speed-up when running these benchmarks on a Solid-state drive (SSD). All code is available at the end of this article.


The import pipeline is simple:

  1. Create a TinyCsvParser.CsvParser for the LocalWeatherData
  2. Create a PostgreSQLCopyHelper for the LocalWeatherData
  3. Read the CSV File with the TinyCsvParser.CsvParser
  4. Write to the PostgreSQL database with the PostgreSQLCopyHelper

In code this translates to:

namespace PostgreSQLBulkCopyTest
    public class BulkCopyTest
        public void TinyCsvParserBenchmark()
            CsvParser<LocalWeatherData> csvParser = CreateCsvParser();
            PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData> copyHelper = CreateCopyHelper();

                () =>
                    var pipeline = csvParser
                        .ReadFromFile(@"C:\Users\philipp\Downloads\csv\201503hourly.txt", Encoding.ASCII)
                        .Where(x => x.IsValid)
                        .Select(x => x.Result)

                    WriteToDatabase(copyHelper, pipeline);

        private CsvParser<LocalWeatherData> CreateCsvParser()
            var csvMapping = new LocalWeatherDataMapper();
            var csvParserOptions = CreateCsvParserOptions();

            return new CsvParser<LocalWeatherData>(csvParserOptions, csvMapping);

        private CsvParserOptions CreateCsvParserOptions()
            var skipHeader = true; // The dataset has a header.
            var fieldsSeparator = new[] { ',' }; // Separator is a , for the example.
            var orderedResults = false; // Not important for the import. Save some memory.
            var degreeOfParallelism = 4; // Use all cores!

            return new CsvParserOptions(skipHeader, fieldsSeparator, degreeOfParallelism, orderedResults);

        private PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData> CreateCopyHelper()
            return new PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData>()
                .WithTableName("sample", "local_weather")
                .AddColumn("wban", x => x.WBAN)
                .AddColumn("sky_condition", x => x.SkyCondition)
                .AddColumn("date", x => x.Date);

        private void WriteToDatabase(PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData> copyHelper, IEnumerable<LocalWeatherData> entities)
            using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection("Server=;Port=5432;Database=sampledb;User Id=philipp;Password=test_pwd;"))

                copyHelper.SaveAll(connection, entities);

The whole import is done in under 17 seconds!

[TinyCsvParser] RunTime 00:00:16.89

And we can verify it in the database with SQL.

> SELECT count(*) FROM sample.local_weather;



It was really easy to connect Npgsql and TinyCsvParser! By using the PostgreSQL COPY commands, we were able to import the entire CSV file in 17 seconds. The whole import pipeline is just a few lines of code and it was really fun to write.

Working with the binary import of Npgsql was amazingly simple and very uncomplicated to implement. Npgsql team you did a great job!



using Npgsql;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using TinyCsvParser;
using TinyCsvParser.Mapping;
using TinyCsvParser.TypeConverter;

namespace PostgreSQLBulkCopyTest
    public class BulkCopyTest

        public class LocalWeatherData
            public string WBAN { get; set; }

            public DateTime Date { get; set; }

            public string SkyCondition { get; set; }

        public class LocalWeatherDataMapper : CsvMapping<LocalWeatherData>
            public LocalWeatherDataMapper()
                MapProperty(0, x => x.WBAN);
                MapProperty(1, x => x.Date).WithCustomConverter(new DateTimeConverter("yyyyMMdd"));
                MapProperty(4, x => x.SkyCondition);

        public void TinyCsvParserBenchmark()
            CsvParser<LocalWeatherData> csvParser = CreateCsvParser();
            PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData> copyHelper = CreateCopyHelper();

                () =>
                    var pipeline = csvParser
                        .ReadFromFile(@"C:\Users\philipp\Downloads\csv\201503hourly.txt", Encoding.ASCII)
                        .Where(x => x.IsValid)
                        .Select(x => x.Result)

                    WriteToDatabase(copyHelper, pipeline);

        private CsvParser<LocalWeatherData> CreateCsvParser()
            var csvMapping = new LocalWeatherDataMapper();
            var csvParserOptions = CreateCsvParserOptions();

            return new CsvParser<LocalWeatherData>(csvParserOptions, csvMapping);

        private CsvParserOptions CreateCsvParserOptions()
            var skipHeader = true; // The dataset has a header.
            var fieldsSeparator = new[] { ',' }; // Separator is a , for the example.
            var orderedResults = false; // Not important for the import. Save some memory.
            var degreeOfParallelism = 4; // Use all cores!

            return new CsvParserOptions(skipHeader, fieldsSeparator, degreeOfParallelism, orderedResults);

        private PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData> CreateCopyHelper()
            return new PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData>()
                .WithTableName("sample", "local_weather")
                .AddColumn("wban", x => x.WBAN)
                .AddColumn("sky_condition", x => x.SkyCondition)
                .AddColumn("date", x => x.Date);

        private void WriteToDatabase(PostgreSQLCopyHelper<LocalWeatherData> copyHelper, IEnumerable<LocalWeatherData> entities)
            using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection("Server=;Port=5432;Database=sampledb;User Id=philipp;Password=test_pwd;"))

                copyHelper.SaveAll(connection, entities);


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace PostgreSQLBulkCopyTest
    public static class BenchmarkUtilities
        public static void MeasureElapsedTime(string description, Action action)
            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
            TimeSpan ts = MeasureElapsedTime(action);

            // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
            string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
                ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,
                ts.Milliseconds / 10);

            Console.WriteLine("[{0}] RunTime {1}", description, elapsedTime);

        public static TimeSpan MeasureElapsedTime(Action action)
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();


            return stopWatch.Elapsed;


using Npgsql;
using NpgsqlTypes;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace PostgreSQLCopyHelper
    public class PostgreSQLCopyHelper<TEntity>
        private class TableDefinition
            public string Schema { get; set; }

            public string TableName { get; set; }

            public string GetFullQualifiedTableName()
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Schema))
                    return TableName;
                return string.Format("{0}.{1}", Schema, TableName);

            public override string ToString()
                return string.Format("TableDefinition (Schema = {0}, TableName = {1})", Schema, TableName);

        private class ColumnDefinition
            public string ColumnName { get; set; }

            public Action<NpgsqlBinaryImporter, TEntity> Write { get; set; }

            public override string ToString()
                return string.Format("ColumnDefinition (ColumnName = {0}, Serialize = {1})", ColumnName, Write);

        private TableDefinition Table { get; set; }

        private List<ColumnDefinition> Columns { get; set; }

        public PostgreSQLCopyHelper()
            Columns = new List<ColumnDefinition>();

        public PostgreSQLCopyHelper<TEntity> WithTableName(string schemaName, string tableName)
            Table = new TableDefinition
                Schema = schemaName,
                TableName = tableName
            return this;

        public PostgreSQLCopyHelper<TEntity> AddColumn(string columnName, Func<TEntity, string> propertyGetter)
            AddColumn(columnName, (writer, entity) => writer.Write(propertyGetter(entity), NpgsqlDbType.Text));

            return this;

        public PostgreSQLCopyHelper<TEntity> AddColumn(string columnName, Func<TEntity, System.DateTime> propertyGetter)
            AddColumn(columnName, (writer, entity) => writer.Write(propertyGetter(entity), NpgsqlDbType.Date));

            return this;

        public void SaveAll(NpgsqlConnection connection, IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
            using (var binaryCopyWriter = connection.BeginBinaryImport(GetCopyCommand()))
                    WriteToStream(binaryCopyWriter, entities);
                catch (Exception)


        private void WriteToStream(NpgsqlBinaryImporter writer, IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
            foreach (var entity in entities)

                foreach (var columnDefinition in Columns)
                    columnDefinition.Write(writer, entity);

        private PostgreSQLCopyHelper<TEntity> AddColumn(string columnName, Action<NpgsqlBinaryImporter, TEntity> action)
            Columns.Add(new ColumnDefinition
                ColumnName = columnName,
                Write = action

            return this;

        private string GetCopyCommand()
            var commaSeparatedColumns = string.Join(", ", Columns.Select(x => x.ColumnName));

            return string.Format("COPY {0}({1}) FROM STDIN BINARY;",